the woman

The things you feel in this woman,

She is whole like no other human,

How you can’t tell when she’s in pain,

A smile across her face will always remain,

The obstacles she is able to face,

She can always dive into her strength from a deep dark place,

A force of nature,

Do not try to contain her,

Right by my side to explore,

She’s not something I need to conquer,

How she goes into her shell,

Quiet, silent, as she navigates her every cell,

She is free and she is love,

Not to cage or enforce rules from above,

She is to be revered as she rises,

Not feared leading to compromises,

I want to protect her,

But not hide her,

Not consume, 

Hold space as she is about to bloom,

How you stand tall with the weight on your shoulders,

We’ll be telling this story for lifetimes as we become older,

To remind her how she can heal,

Not needing me to tell her how to feel,

A power that is impossible to ignore,

A love that I’ll do anything for,

What you do for me, 

What you do for us,

What you do for you,

Observe how she grew,

After all that she’s gone through,

From day one we knew,

She is with me yet not attached to,

She walked from the boy to the man,

As through all of this she’s held my hand,

It continues to feel right,

So we’ll stand up tall, with our hearts open, leading with love, with what we share, and be the light.


a force of nature


our destination, departing separation