Deepen One-on-One

DEEPEN One - on - One.

Deepen One - on - One sessions include the whole scope of the way I train and practice.

1on1 sessions will still have a large focus inspired by Fighting Monkey Practice. 

We will work hard, We will sweat, We will laugh, We will be still, We will test our bodies limits, We will play, We will communicate and We will connect. No stone will be left unturned.

All this will be based on working to build our foundation of Coordination, Rhythm, Adaptability and Strength.

We will practice “Earthquake Architecture”, so we can move through life knowing that we are prepared for anything it throws at us. 

Becoming dynamically coordinated to improve our capacity for life, our quality of life and our joy for life.

To age well, become strong yet adaptable, heal our bodies and lower the risk of injuries as we navigate the unknown with as little damage as possible.

We will constantly find how this physical practice expands towards understanding communication, how we observe our bodies and the world around us.

To know ourselves at a deeper level to be equipped to find calm within the chaos.


One - on - One Sessions.

These 1-1 session start your journey towards becoming dynamically coordinated to improve your capacity for life, your quality of life and your joy for life.

To age well, become strong yet adaptable, heal your body and lower the risk of injuries as you navigate the unknown with as more energy, so you can live the life you love for longer.

Through physical exercise, movement games, creative tasks and a questioning of yourself you will deepen your capacity to create constant shifts so you can move through life knowing that you are prepared for anything it throws at you.

Moving away from old habits, beliefs, ways of reacting and holding in your body. To know yourself at a deeper level, so you are equipped to find calm within the chaos.

By committing to this journey you will receive a range of different weekly intentions, tasks, writing prompts, philosophies and ideas to build our own internal guide.

Seeing how the physical correlates to the emotional/ spiritual and coming back together in our sessions to discuss, share, communicate and ask questions.

During these sessions YOU WILL:

-       Develop a physically resilient body, elastic strong tissues and healthy joints.

-       Let go of tension and stress through coordination and simple movements.

-       Build a toolkit to sustain healthy life habits effortlessly to maintain feeling good in a life that you love.

-       Deepen your understanding of yourself

-       Observe what obstacles you need to navigate and what ways you can move through them, towards more freedom and joy.

-       Re-ignite what it is to be creative, young and adaptable to live life with more clarity, calm and love.

“Any training forms are good
but exceptional are those
that support our biological system
beyond survival and fitness.
Taking you on a journey
to enhance your viability,
communication and hence improve
your quality of living” (Fighting Monkey)



Love, Oliver Zafiridis.