about me and my philosophy.

A life centred around soccer and physical performance when I was growing up, has over the last few years turned into a love for daily practices that allow me to grow, evolve, change, build my self-awareness and consciousness. A process that never ends to understand myself, people and the world around me better.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the amazing people that surround me, who would we be without others. My biggest mentor and teacher has been Jozef Frucek from Fighting Monkey Rootlessroot, a practice that is so whole and dedicated to increasing our love for life and our capacity to overcome life’s challenges.

This is the practice I coach. Working to build our foundation of Coordination, Rhythm, Adaptability and Strength. We will practice “Earthquake Architecture”, so we can move through life knowing that we are prepared for anything it throws at us. Becoming dynamically coordinated to improve our capacity for life, our quality of life and our joy for life. To age well, become strong yet adaptable, heal our bodies and lower the risk of injuries as we navigate the unknown with as little damage as possible.

We will work hard, be still, sweat, laugh, test our bodies limits, play, communicate and connect. No stone will be left unturned.

This world can be hard to navigate, We adapt to survive, We behave in certain ways, Due to different circumstances and experiences. Sometimes feeling like we don’t have a choice or control, And that’s ok. I write these pieces in the hope that whoever comes across them can feel like they’re not alone. I write my pieces of poems, journal entries, thoughts, insights or blogs to hopefully expand awareness and understanding on how to navigate life with a little bit more patience and love.

A home for me to share my offerings and share my mind. To help myself, and other people all over the world to find peace, understanding and inspiration to love life more and solve its obstacles along the way.

~ Love, Oliver Zafiridis ~