Athletic Development Practices

Deepen Motion Athletic Development Practices

Sport is far from predictable, linear or structured.

The demand for unpredictability always increases as the sporting level increases.

So how do we train and practice in a way that replicates the nature of match-play so athletes are able to “Train how you Play”?

This is what Deepen Motion’s Athletic Development gives sporting clubs and teams an insight to. 


So that athletes and coaches can build their capacity to handle pressure, and improve adaptive qualities to problem solve under pressure while maintaining the same high level of execution and efficiency.


Ranging from Replicating “Match Like” Situations, Strength and Conditioning, Being present, Injury Prevention and Recovering Quicker. Coming from the base of Coordination and Rhythm, we can increase a players adaptability to react and handle any situations that come their way as effectively as possible with ease.


This is what the best athletes do so well. 

But how we do grasp this to implement it and train it? Consistently.

Well, we can.


Extraordinary workshops and training offerings that improve and compliment how we can approach athletic development for an edge.

Injuries aren’t decreasing, Soreness isn’t decreasing, recovery time isn’t improving, and performance can hit a barrier. What we do during training doesn’t transfer to competition often enough to make great change. 

Through the principles of Coordination, Rhythm, Strength and Adaptability we create new ways that are capable to reshape training for athletes by:

// Moving better, moving more efficiently, lasting longer, with greater quality

// Improving capacity to handle pressure

// Improving decision making under pressure

// Improving quality of skill under pressure

// Improving health of joints and increase mobility (injury prevention and recovery)

// Improving dynamic strength and power relative to how we move on the pitch

// What to do straight away post training/games for recovery

// How to put a stop to soreness

// How to start the week with a fresh body and mind


We have goals, intentions and aspirations, so we must find ways to reach them.

It takes time, it takes practice, but it is possible. Not easy, but possible. This is why we must practice and train complexity.

We need to find new ways, so we always know what to do and we can then let this ripple in all areas of training and matches, physically, technically and mentally.


To deepen our level of Performance, Movement Capacity, Durability and Thinking.

I look forward to collaborating, creating change and working with you,

Lots of love, Oliver x