our destination, departing separation

What would bring the most peace to our world?

When there seems to be so much “Bad” pushed into our faces,

How can we filter through the lies and find truth?

How can we make unity the most important word?

to dissolve this separation people have been living in,

Separation in all parts of life,

How we observe everything,

Is how we talk to ourselves,

Is how we train at the gym,

Is how we converse in public,

Is how we view our bodies,

Is how we eat,

Is how we see other people,

It’s how we see the world,

Separation no longer needs to serve us,

A form of protection from our ego that arises daily,

Can we be brave enough to let go and trust?

It plays it’s role and feels like it momentarily helps,

But does it actually?

We need to come back to TRUTH,

The moment we say “Well they should just do this”,

Or we say “How could they do that”,

The moment we try to enforce or believe that we know better than someone else,

We do a disservice to ourself,

We lose what’s most important,

we step into separation,

We hand over the control of the wheel,

We let our ego into the drivers seat,

It tells us “We’re better than them”,

“I wouldn’t do that” or “I wouldn’t do this”,

It makes us feel good,

It makes us right about whatever it is,

But do we have the tendency do this,

Only because safe is how we begin to feel?

We feel like we make sense and we are right and other people are not,

I’m not sure where it’s been learnt,

But there are more important things every day,

It seems like with everything we learn, there’s something we forgot,

The one thing that should lead the way,

It’s LOVE, and i don’t care how cliche,

There’s a reason why it’s what all the masters say,

Whether it’s with ourselves, family, friends, lovers or strangers,

Can we put our ego to the side and hold a space?

Because when we can put to the side that we know better,

And all the other judgements that come with it,

We can actually have a connection,

This is what we need more of,

Because we’re pushing people away,

We’ll have no-one left at the end of the day,

I can see the world is beginning to shift this way,

Thats why my faith has never faded and it’s here to stay,

Are you brave enough to to live with faith and hope leading the way?

It’s becoming more clear that this is the only way,

This division and separation is leading us astray,

We always have a choice,

The world is asking for us to step up,

To be brave, courageous, and vulnerable, start to begin this divine rejoice,

If you hear or read these words,

Even if you don’t,

You will forever have a voice,

Let it out, and with love and hope make your noise.


the woman


heart all in.