a force of nature

What a sight to see,

A woman in her power,

Brave, strong, loving and free,

A force of nature, The mother,

Watching her stand, 

Her posture seems different,

Her smile seems broader,

Her eyes seems brighter,

Her body a little lighter,

Hearing her talk,

Her words seem stronger,

Her breath seems calmer,

Her pauses seem longer,

Into a trance you wander,

Feeling her touch,

There’s healing in her hug,

There’s magic in her kiss,

There’s presence in her heart,

An unconditional momentary bliss,

Just like the old myth,

The healing woman that had been labelled a witch,

There’s a knowing in her body,

She realises she has it all,

She no longer thinks she needs to obey,

She remember’s her innate nature,

Knowing she can now find her own way,

A power we can bow down to,

How it fills my heart to see this freedom,

But oh how it doesn’t come from an easy path,

A journey that must be led by the heart,

A woman claiming her power,

Taking charge of everything she’s ever had right from the very start.




the woman