
Do you know what you stand for?

What is it that you want to reclaim?

Everything we do or don’t do has consequences,

either way there is no shame,

What if it didn’t actually give you more freedom? 

What if you stepped into a bigger cage and into a bigger game? 

Or maybe it really is just all the same,

Who am I to even say,

The truth can only stay hidden for so long,

It’s frequency too powerful to be held down,

See Truth is too strong,

Feeling like there was no choice,

Now feeling like there was no point,

Because what has it given you?

There’s no difference between me and you…

Some people felt cornered, 

There’s no judgment over that,

Love and compassion for all,

As people bend there lives daily like an acrobat,

Raising families, staying afloat,

Just trying to survive,

Made to feel that following orders would keep them alive,

Maintaining normality in their lives,

We’ve forgotten a core belief that there is always choice,

People need to believe that they always have a voice,

You have a voice,

Never only listen to another persons voice,

What gives them the right to say that we have no choice?

Pressure builds until it feels like the end is so close,

Know that we can shift through these times and rejoice,

There’s only so long we can block our eyes and ears,

Until we start to hear all the noise,

It’s only a matter of time,

It’s actually already started,

People wishing they didn’t do what they did,

People wishing they didn’t believe what they did,

Asking what did we do it for?

These orders that were impossible to ignore,

We’ve gone from certainty to not being sure,

People have gone from trust and excitement, to a sick feeling in their core,

Making decisions that they once thought were best,

Either way I want you to know that your life is blessed,

Emotions will come up,

There may be guilt,

There may be shame,

Or you may still be happy and know that everything is ok,

There’s no need to point or blame,

Don’t identify with what other people attach to your name,

From not knowing the consequences while we were stressed,

Not knowing how to explain,

Have love and compassion for yourself and for others,

No matter what beliefs you have or have had,

No matter what decisions you’ve made or wish you made,

We’re all doing our best to navigate which way,

Even if you feel like you’ve been led astray,

Don’t beat yourself up,

This world will be dealing with a lot pain,

But an awakening is coming,

This world will shift and change,

We can create with no limiting range,

How we want to live,

Is a power we have within,

To not just listen and follow others,

There’s so much more to life we can give,

Allow time and space for it to unfold,

It’s time we realise there’s more than one way to live.

Love, Oliver x


a blank canvas.


a force of nature