a blank canvas.

A blank canvas,

A new blueprint,

A clean slate,

Freedom opening me up to the life I want to create,

Where I want my energy to go,

Creating space to be of service,

With all of this letting go,

I feel my heart continuing to show,

The way, The direction, The journey as I grow,

Freedom to a level I never thought I’d know,

To paint with all the colours,

Experiment with different strokes,

Create newness in uncertainty,

Joy and passion will be born from curiosity,

To not put things in boxes,

With limiting labels,

To live astray,

Finding our own way,

Multifaceted with an endless list,

Of who we are and who we want to be to all coexist,

For inspiration just zoom out,

You’ll see how this playfulness is bliss.

Love, Oliver x


this day for love.

