international women’s day.

Understanding the woman,

Understanding this force,

Feminine and so genuine,

Yet balanced with masculine,

Hard to figure out where to begin,

Build a home within yourself,

To create a container,

A space to be able to hold her,

With the capacity to let her conquer,

The way she holds on to so much weight,

Can you sit there, by her side,

Taking deep breaths as you wait,

The way she collapses and cries,

Screaming for a break,

As her care for people makes herself break,

The way she can hold on to so much,

An alchemist in her own way,

How she has her traits,

Without even trying on every waking day.

Strength like you never seen,

A heart so big it’s hard to believe,

Courage to roll up her sleeves,

To make sure her life represents what she believes,

Not a slave to societal norms,

She can move in different forms,

Not defined by structure, religion or identity,

Immeasurable and infinite,

The mother, the woman, 

Not to be missed,

You’d be lucky to be kissed,

An indescribable energy that is just so bliss.

She finds strength in a fleeting moment,

In a word, in a kiss, in a hold of hand, in a hug,

It doesn’t take much for her fire to be lit,

Brave like you’ve never known,

Can you handle the shadows of yourself that you will be shown?

The way she is able to carry pain,

I no longer want this to be the game,

It’s time for the feminine wing to unfold, 

Take flight and come along,

Or be left behind in the dead and gone,

Her vision blurs and her words begin to slur,

As her heart aches for rest,

But she still maintains a wholeness like no other,

How we take a step closer to home,

Each time we hold each other,

How woman care,

Sometimes leaving themselves in despair,

A woman like her you cannot compare,

A heart so big,

From the day I laid my eyes on her,

All I can do is stare,

She answered all my prayers,

To all the women I am grateful to know,

Without them I’d be a no show,

A woman is a home,

An energy that is known,

Expressive like no other,

Intuitive like a mother,

Filled with wisdom and warmth,

A touch of love,

A divine gift that only comes from high above,

To walk with the woman,

To trust with the woman,

To love with the woman,

To support with the woman,

To tend with the woman,

To inhale with the woman,

To exhale with the woman,

To hold with the woman,

To be led by the woman,

To face my shadows with the woman,

To be there with the woman,

To love the woman.

The Woman.

Love, Oliver x


“holding space”


this day for love.