“holding space”

Holding space has been a beautiful area that I have worked on,

Not easy at times,

But always worthwhile,
To be there for someone else, my partner or myself,

I got questioned about the energy of my view on it,

With not wrong or right on it,

Only building more awareness around it,

How profound it has been,

This “Holding Space”,

Has an energy of ‘doing’ something,

This holding of space,

Can I hold space?

Can I maintain trust and faith?

What is my capacity?

Can I remove certain patterns out of the way,

So can I BE faith,

Can I BE trust,

So if I’m “Holding Space”,

I am actually being space,

I am being capacity,

I am being limitless,

So I am actually just being…

Can we just be?

So it’s just presence?

Human BEing, Not a human DOing,

So just be,

I promise you’ll begin to see,

Let that be all of it,

It’s our essence,

It’s our core,

It’s us,

The Mother.

It’s what we came for.

Love, Oliver x


loves container.


international women’s day.