loves container.

A container,

Of devotion,

Of commitment,

I have with this love,

That doesn’t hold down and trap,

It doesn’t restrict,

It allows expansion,

A container of soil that creates the fruit of freedom,

A knowing of what you come back to,

In every second, every minute, every hour, day and moment,

No matter where you are, either lost or found,

Taking it upon yourself,

To delve into the deep,

A container yet with no edges,

Permission to allow and express,

Not numb and repress,

From the intentions of faith and love,


Not from guilt and fear,

To be able to be apart,

And know you are still connected,

To know you are yourself,

Yet part of someone else,

Or something greater than ourselves,

Devotion to be,

Where all of you can be felt,

Where all of you can be seen,

Where all of you can be held,

In and amongst all the mess and stress,

Leading from our heart with a raw vulnerability.

Love, Oliver x


changes, seasons, deaths, re-births.


“holding space”