our energy crisis.

The energy crisis we live in.

Like the above image…

Does what we do in our days and what we experience impede and take from the life we want to live?

Or does what we do and experience intertwine, connect and feed the life we want to live?

Energy Deficiency and Energy Surplus are concepts I have learnt from Fighting Monkey Rootlessroot and it has played a dramatically large part in me navigating a life I love with energy surplus, while also having the capacity to navigate life’s obstacles and continuing to be excited and curious for more.

“Live Naturally” and “Move Naturally” are common things we hear more and more now, as awareness around our health starts to expand. What if “Naturally” wasn’t quite the way to go though? Yes, in some aspects it is very important of course, but I want to challenge and ask the question about the value of actually living against what is “Natural”.

Natural is to sit on the couch, Natural is to be comfortable, Natural is to lower risks, Natural is to do what takes less time, Natural is to do what is easiest, Natural is sit at a desk all day, Natural is to fall victim to a system that needs to restructure what we value most, Natural is to work and make an income that overtakes our health. I don’t quite want “Natural”. Everyone in the world right now is doing what is natural for themselves, specific to themselves and the world is continuously becoming unhealthier. 

Why wait for something to go wrong, tighten up, be replaced, snap or break, or to constantly wake up tired with no energy for life before we think about changing our lifestyle, our habits, our patterns, how we train, or what we do for work?

We are more tired,

We are more overweight,

We are aging quicker,

We are less vital,

We move more poorly,

We are more busy,

We are less adaptable,

We are less free than ever.

So how do we break away from this? It is difficult, it will feel like the complete opposite of ‘natural’ but it becomes your new natural and you feel your energy over time slowly return to your body as you become young again. 

Vibrant again. Excited again. Like a child again. Creative again. In awe again. In love again.

When in energy deficiency we don’t have the capacity to navigate the obstacles and challenges we come across in life. Whether it be fatigue, stress from work, stress from relationships, stress from family, stress from around the world, emotional hurt, physical injuries and pain, a change in passion, a change in direction or the evolution of who we are.

When we live in this energy crisis which seems to be more prevalent than ever. We cannot handle these situations and pressures with as much adaptability, openness, clarity and ease. We get stuck in patterns, we get stuck in beliefs, we stay busy to distract ourselves, we work harder than ever, we point fingers externally, we blame and we judge, we train in the same ways because then we don’t have to think, we do what’s easy, we stare at screens, we physically become stiffer and rigid, we eat in the same ways with the same foods and we slowly shut off our diversity as we slowly close off to the world. Because we don’t have energy in reserve to actually act and change any of these patterns. We calcify in thoughts, we calcify in our movement, we calcify in our beliefs and we calcify in our lives. It’s a cycle that is difficult to break.

But it’s possible to break, It’s possible to shift, It’s possible to change, It’s possible to feel great. 

All it takes a shift in awareness and maybe just noticing how this concept may be playing out in your life. Once you notice it and become aware of it, you can then slowly play with it and try to change it.

Ask where does my energy leak? Can I live in a way where all I do gives back to me in a way. The things I love, the work I do, the food I eat, the experiences I experience all connect, overlap and feed into one another, so I feel full and whole. So I can live with more sustainability.

I want these insights that come to mind through life and through practice to inspire a spark and change within. Not to be overly complex, overwhelming or shining a light on how “bad” things have gotten. We do what serves us best, with what we know up until now and that’s ok, now we can chose to change. I hope people have the energy to take their time, read, breath, take in ideas, listen, stop, be. That’s what gives back.

Just for a moment in your day, don’t talk, don’t force, don’t point, don’t push, don’t judge, don’t rush, don’t scroll, don’t watch, see the fullness in this and see how it nourishes you. 

Final Question:

So what if we went about each day observant enough to notice and change certain patterns, thoughts, habits and tendencies as we move through life? Always checking in with ourselves.

It takes energy yes, it’s not quite comfortable and easy. 

It’s not quite “natural” as we enjoy comfort. 

Do we have the energy surplus to give this to ourselves and our lives? We all deserve it, no matter what.

Can we live in a way where we have energy to give towards ourselves, so we can constantly communicate, adapt, problem solve and evolve day to day?

Have the energy surplus to dance, love & live. To thrive and not just survive.

Love, Oliver x


we are vulnerability.


saying goodbye to soccer.