My Hotel Isolation Supplementation Stack

Well here we go,

What an interesting couple years it has been for everyone across the world. What to believe, what to do, what to think, how to feel, how to stay healthy, how to stay fit, how to deal with stress, how to deal with fear, questioning am I vulnerable, am I safe and so much more.

I’m lucky to have had so many wise people around me for a long time in my life. With their guidance, conversations and my own research through podcasts, books and social media I’ve been able to have new leading research in areas of fitness, health, spirituality, performance, mindset and all areas of life at my fingertips.

I moved to Melbourne this year and on my return to home I’ve had to do 14 days of Isolation at one of the Adelaide Medi-hotels. The Medi-hotel scenario meant that there was going to be a chance of coming in contact with other travellers that were sick and have a virus, plus it possibly spreading in the hotel. Knowing this, I was able to prepare and look into a few things that I knew would help maintain my health and mood. So here’s my protection and body boosting supplement stack that I used during my Medi-hotel 14 day isolation.

I will be doing my best to give in depth, yet understandable information on the supplements I used. Descriptions that tell you a few things you didn’t know about them all, but also the ability for you to take away some notes to instantly implement some habits into your daily life.


Firstly, Vitamin C…


Vitamin C has been documented for years as a near perfect antioxidant, working against all toxins. Plants, animals and humans all need substantial amounts of Vitamin C in their diets, whether it be through consumption of food, supplements or pairing both. Vitamin C promotes our efficiency of eliminating oxidative stress caused by any toxins we come across.

Oxidative stress when functioning properly can be beneficial, but these days there is more often ample build up of oxidative stress, which then starts to damage our bodies. It can start to damage fatty tissue, DNA and proteins in our body and overtime this is what leads to a number of diseases and aging. This could be environmental or even from the effects that states of being, such as fear and stress cause in our bodies. We are always accumulating stress and damage in our bodies in some way or another. We just have to live and act with care and awareness to know that we counter balance what we do to minimise the damage that occurs.

So we know Vitamin C is a powerhouse antioxidant that strengthens our immune system and our defence against viruses and bacteria’s. But there are multiple less spoken benefits that include assisting many bodily functions, improving absorption of iron and production of collagen which is a building block for muscle growth, maintenance, as well as tendons, ligaments, skin, nails and hair health. As I have been training daily in my hotel room space this was also another great benefit and reason for upping my Vitamin C dosage.


Secondly, Vitamin D…

 Specifically in relation to data collected around viruses, people with higher amounts of Vitamin D had substantially shorter and less symptomatic experiences, along with a lower mortality rate. Something that cannot be ignored. It can’t be said to completely eliminate the risk of getting infected by any virus but I believe it is a MUST HAVE for any prevention and treatment. Especially since I knew we were being put into this higher risk environment.

We all heard from all over the world that breathing was becoming difficult for effected patients, so another benefit of vitamin D is that it has been found to assist with lung health and breathing patterns.

Now we know Vitamin D improves our defence against viruses and helps increase our antibacterial and antiviral response and even our breathing.

But it also is a huge help mentally with mood. Sadly I think the situations people have been forced into around the world such as isolation, stuck in a house, apartment or hotel room has probably lead to more damage than the virus was ever going to. To counteract the effect of being locked in a room with no access to fresh air and sunlight I stacked 2 different Vitamin D supplements. To help with mood and positivity, just like when we step foot into the sun and feel that moment where we go “Ahhhhhhhh”. For me personally “charging up” my body in the sun boosts my mood and I instantly feel healthier and calmer every time.


Thirdly, a supplement that may be slightly less known, NAC…

NAC is a form of Cysteine, an essential amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins in the body and Cysteine also plays a huge role in helping the body produce the powerful antioxidant glutathione. It is essential for immune health and delaying/preventing cellular damage.

NAC has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating characteristics that prove to be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of any viral infections. Due to it’s ability to down regulate the replication of viruses and reduce inflammation I thought it was another must to add to my list. A supplement that helps all year round, but with the qualities and functions it is being found to be very helpful in these circumstances.


Fourthly, another highly emphasised supplement to help prevent and treat viral infections, Zinc…

 Once the virus gets into our cells and starts to spread and grow it is dependent on a certain enzyme. Zinc inhibits this enzyme that the virus is dependent on and therefore stops replication and growth. Therefore it can prevent the virus from getting a real hold on us, making it a much more comfortable experience. That sounds pretty perfect to me? No wonder Zinc has been emphasised all over the world.

 With the state of the world as it is, we know that due to many things such as sprays, pesticides, glyphosate and pollution, our soil isn’t the same and our “healthy” food no longer has the same qualities in regards to its mineral and vitamin quantities. Zinc and other mineral deficiencies are very common due to the fact that our world isn’t as healthy as it once was. Partly why I believe we have been taken over by a virus.

 Zinc only has a certain ability to get into our cells. It has been shown that for Zinc to work most efficiently, certain vehicles known as “ionopheres” are able to coordinate with Zinc and help transport it deeper into the cell, where it becomes most effective. One ionophere that it is being partnered with Zinc in studies around viruses is Quercetin.


So the last supplement in my isolation stack is… Quercetin!

As I have said, Quercetin is known to improve the effectiveness of Zinc and has been documented to have significant antiviral effects. Due to it’s antiviral and inflammation-fighting qualities Quercetin is a valuable supplement to take anyway. But even better, Quercetin is a synergistic supplement to pair with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, NAC and Zinc to increase protection and effectiveness of this whole stack.

Over the last 7-8 or so years I have loved learning about, diving deeper, testing and altering my diets, lifestyle habits, supplements and physical practices. I believe it’s brought me a great world of understanding in so many areas of life. I want to experience these things for myself, see how I feel and observe if anything changes. I always ask questions and seek proper medical advice from a few of my favourite health care practitioners.

I just wanted to share my own thoughts and experiences so far in regards to the hot topic of health and healing around viruses. Knowing I’m healthy has helped me maintain a sense of ease throughout these last 2 years, and keeping these supplements on hand and emphasising their importance during these 14 days of isolation has definitely played a massive part in keeping me happy, healthy and calm throughout the whole experience.

I’ve tried to steer away from taking too many supplements over the last few years. Taking more of an approach of trusting the forever-unknown capacity and intelligence of the human body. But for last 7 months living in Melbourne circumstances were very different to my normal…

I was in high rise apartment, during the darker winter months (where things like Vitamin D drop dramatically), only getting some sunlight through windows, no easy access to grounding barefoot, in a huge building full of Wi-Fi and Emf producing appliances, which all drop the strength of our immune system, so I really focused on the importance of keeping my body as healthy as possible with supplements. As well as then increasing doses and adding a few of these supplements that are specific to viruses for this Medi-hotel experience.

I can happily say I was never sick all year round, I stayed healthy the whole time and I’m now just super excited to be back home and soak the sunshine and freedom this summer has to offer.

This is not medical advice, just sharing my own research, experience and thoughts on the best way to go about everything at the moment. It’s not for everyone. So seek medical advice before implementing any of this and of course I’m always here for feedback, questions and discussion.

Open to everything, just wanting to learn, explore and share experiences.

Lots of love, Oliver x


12 lessons from 2021


small things are big.