
Feel these words, breath them in so they land in your soul.

Like a deep knowing that has awakened for what your heart truly desires to remember.

Impossible to define, hard to understand, I don’t know what it is, that’s the point.

It’s zero, it’s nothing, it’s where nothing meets everything. Unrestricted with endless possibilities. But empty.

Curved lines, no straight lines, as nature exists, as we are an extension of this expression. The concoction of curved lines is what makes us straight.

Different depending on who you are, different depending on the questions you ask, diverse enough to confuse you, open enough for you to fall in love with it if you’re curious for more. For no reason at all besides wanting to. Yet that’s a huge reason in itself. We rarely do the things we want to do often enough.

I’ve been the soccer player, the athlete, the weird mover, the movement coach, the aspiring writer or the partner and lover. I hope for this to continue to evolve and hope to never become stagnant in what I do. What happens to water in a pond that doesn’t move, shift, evolve and adapt? It’s becomes mouldy, stuck, clouded, full of disease, stagnant. I hope we can stop this from happening to our minds, our bodies, our thoughts and our philosophies. Stay open, undefined, like a child wondering through life, with unparalleled curiosity to diversify how we move through our lives physically and psychologically.

There’s a special spark in everyones eye, some people dim the spark and others find ways to turn up the brightness. Done with the right intentions it should be effortless, the more you are yourself the more you sparkle. A unique biological signature, like a painting, like a poem, a rollercoaster mix of words and colours, so don’t let them hide. This is where you will find life. Not in the niche, not in being a specialist, not with a well known label, but label-less, a jack of all trades, a chameleon who has different features, insights, thoughts and gifts to call upon at any given time and any given environment.

There will be days where time is closing quickly, there will be days where time is of abundance. So go for it.

Blurr the lines and follow your dreams, follow what you love, follow all the different corners of your spirit. Please do not seek to be understood, but understand yourself, in all the different ways and possibilities you have in your skin. If people don’t want to come along for the ride, they’re not the ones that are meant to, wish them well, and with love hope they find joy somewhere. For even if no-one, two, three, ten or hundreds of people come along, let those connections enrich your life deeper than any other before.

We are constantly dying and rebirthing, cells in our body as we read these words, a new version of ourselves every second, every day, after every conversation and after every experience. So I hope you find the brave heart, the joy and the curiosity to search for your diverse palette of expression. Be your own artist because there is no-one out there that can paint life like you can. But put it on show please, I say these words as a reminder to myself as much a reminder to you.

You have a palette of colours and capabilities that is not out there anywhere right now, there never has been, and there never will be again. So please go create your art, be inspired, be creative. Remove what taught you not to be and remember its your nature, your birthright.

Don’t shrink, Don’t label, Don’t fit in, Don’t walk where it has been paved.

Go, Be, Do,

Let the world and people you see you.

Let us see that sparkle.

Love, Oliver x


practice meets philosophy.


we are vulnerability.