coordination, rhythm & body mechanics.

I haven’t gone for a run in about 2 months.

Yesterday morning was the first time that I’ve purely gone for a run to test myself and see how I go. With no expectations or attachments.

For this 4km test I was hoping to do it within 16 minutes, which would mean inside 4min/km. It felt good, it was tough, but comfortable at the same time.

One thing I find is that by practicing @fightingmonkey_rootlessrot principles, I’m constantly working on Rhythm & Coordination. This leads to better body mechanics, more harmony through the whole system and better communication between joints, which all lead to better performance with less energy used.

Literally the foundation of moving well & improving performance. Whether it be for athletic performance or longevity and living.

This run was a good test of my belief and practice, I finished my 4km run with a time of 15minutes and 16seconds, 3:49/km.

I believe there’s so much unknown value hidden and that we should be more curious to spend more time on improving our coordination and rhythm.


small things are big.


cold water keeps giving.