cold water keeps giving.

Over 3 years of Cold Showers or an Ocean Swim (maybe a nude one) every day.

A practice that I’m proud of and have done daily without missing a beat has been Cold Water immersion. No matter what the temperature is on any given day, I’ve maintained this habit for myself. 

But why do a practice like this daily? 

I want to be the best version of myself. 

Yeah there’s heaps of health benefits physically & mentally, which I will write about in another blog, but it’s become so much more. 

I hope that over the years of doing this practice, the best me can be more Loving, Forgiving, Brave, Calm, Impactful & Patient.

I practice the things that I do simply to expand myself so I can feel & experience more. I believe this will allow me to be the best Partner, Friend, Brother, Son, Coach, Husband or Father, to help me lead and love with my heart more authentically.

No matter what the circumstances are.


coordination, rhythm & body mechanics.