thick clouds pass too…


At times it can be difficult to see the light,

Thick clouds blurr our view,

Even though we can’t see through them,

There will be a time,

Where they pass too,

They come with a heaviness,

You can feel it walking down the street,

How it changes our brain chemistry,

Where and how we feel the heaviness,

Physically or Psychologically,

Mentally or Emotionally,

Beginning to question is it just me?

Or do you feel lost to?

Even when we can’t see through them,

Thick clouds pass too,

A test to remember who you are,

Without the business, without the salary, without the job, without the training regime, with its all stripped back,

Who we are you?

Without doing anything,

Can we feel freedom in that?

Can we feel worth it that?

Can we feel loved in that?

Can we feel excited in that?

Not easy to do, as I haven’t for weeks,

Dancing between the unconditional knowing and forgetting it all,

It’s a practice to keep an enlightened view,

A practice, at best,

Feeling lost,

Feeling scared,

Feeling heavy,

Feeling doubt,

Hard to find the words, when in the depths to come out,

So can we remember,

Even though we can’t see through them,

Thick clouds pass too,

I feel myself melting down, or am I melting down what once was,

Creating room for new,

I’m breaking down,

At breaking point,

Breaking down what I once knew,

Breaking down the stories I have been surrounded by,

And how I’ve been persuaded in ways,

To tell myself the same,

Why breaking down or melting down,

Come with such clouded heaviness,

But they shouldn’t come with the shame,

Testing my willingness,

To remember choice and remember myself,

Courageous enough to be broken down,

Willing to be shattered so I can be put together differently,

As I love for it to be,

This willingness, no coincidence,

Breaks away the layers of restrictiveness,

To sit under the clouds,

Trusting it will unveil itself with great significance,

Because even when we can see through,

Thick clouds pass too,

It’s significance that detaches ignorance,

Impossible to ignore,

When broken down to the floor,

Grounding myself there,

So I can grow roots,

Planting new seeds so I can enjoy the fruits,

Like jack and the bean stalk,

To walk above the clouds,

Take a deep breath and enjoy the view,

To make sense of the difficulty,

Till the point where we can say thank you,

Because even though sometimes we can’t see through,

Thick clouds pass too.

Love, Oliver x


changes, seasons, deaths, re-births.