
Smile, because you’re here reading these words right now,

Smile, because no matter how yellow your teeth are, they’d love to feel the fresh air,

Smile, to show off your dimples to everyone around you,

Smile, because if you’re alone you don’t have to be self conscious about your dimples, they’re worth smiling about,

Smile, so if the wind changes you have your radiant smile permanently for life,

Smile, because no matter how hard things have gotten you’re here,

Smile, because you’re here you deserve to give yourself a smile,

Smile, because you know how harshly you can speak to yourself,

Smile, because you can see the little kid in your heart wants the warmth of a hug,

And the feeling of protection your big smile gives them,

Smile, because you’re smile can’t be replicated with nearly 8 Billion people in this world,

Smile, because even if it’s a little fake your time will come,

Smile, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,

Smile, because I’m inviting you to,

Smile, because I hope for you & for me, that life can always be fun,

Smile, you no longer need to run,

Smile, because you can hug your dad,

Smile, because you can hug your mum,

Smile, because you can always hug someone,

Smile, because whether it’s a stranger, a dog, a friend or a lover,

You can smile because someone will always show you love,

Smile, because you can start that chain,

Smile, to give back to yourself, you’re not just anyone,

Smile, because I love you, I see you, I hear you,

No matter where you’re from.


what if.