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Deepen Retreat w/ Oliver Zafiridis and Sophia Bruest

Deepen Retreat:

An immersion away from our day to day lives. Breaking habits and shifting the way we live.

A weekend away, Immersed,

To communicate, collaborate and connect,

A space to be fully for seen for who we are,

Allowing freedom and space to let this ripple into a life we love with sense of confidence, freedom and joy.

Through physical practices inspired by Fighting Monkey Rootlessroot we will work from the foundations of coordination, rhythm, adaptability and strength. Opening up our bodies and minds, through this physical practice to give a sense of being free and moving better, finding where we may be restricted. Improving how efficiently our body coordinates, collaborates and communicates as a whole. Allowing this practice to ripple into how we move through our lives. To be adaptable, comfortable in the unknown and seeing how if we coordinate better and move with more rhythm than we can simultaneously navigate life better.

If we are rigid, stiff and stuck? Where else does this show up in our life? What habits or patterns are we aware of and ready to move away from.

Aspects of the physical practices inspired by Fighting Monkey Rootlessroot will include;

Zero Forms,

Our daily morning practice to awaken the body, check in with how we feel and find our zero.

The base and foundation that we can build from. Articulating our joints, improving how well they collaborate, how well they communicate, and how open they are. Squeezing, pumping and waving throughout our structure to build interconnectedness between, upper body and lower body, joints, ligaments and tendons, shifting our weight more efficiently and questioning our structure to find what our zero is on any given day. Observing all of these feelings within ourselves with no perspective of right or wrong. A meeting with ourselves, improving and observing our relationship with stillness and slowing down.

Practice Ball,

To see how well we can adapt and relate in chaos. Working with people to build connection, improve communication, and be led into the unknown with trust. We rarely do things we don’t enjoy, or things we aren’t good at, we become habitual. How can we move away from this? Working with partners that take us into situations we cannot take ourselves, learning about ourselves in new ways, creating unknown connections where the impossible becomes possible. to be calm within the chaos and maintain quality of thinking and movement when under stress. How valuable this skill is in all aspects of life.


To see how well we coordinate ourselves in space. Improving the connection from our upper body to our lower body so that this is no longer disconnected. How well do all of our joints communicate, orchestrate and absorb force to move with more ease through life. How well do we stack our weight, shift our weight and create/absorb force. Observing how we learn through being exposed to complex patterns, to struggle and find a way within ourselves and with others to solve these problems. Coordinating.

Through principles and practices from Structural Integration we will deepen our understanding of Fascia and how it pairs with breath.

The fascial web that coats our bodies, how important it is and how it plays a vital role in how we move, how we feel and how we think. Sophia Bruest will expand in depth on the understanding we have on our own bodies with tools we can take away and instantly implement into our lives.

Fascial Manoeuvres,

To release parts of the body where we maybe stuck or restricted. Opening these areas with guided techniques from Structural Integration and then seeing how that instantly transfers over to how we walk through a space and in our movement situations. A dance between practices that align seamlessly to deepen how much we get out of what we do in our lives with less effort accompanied with a sense of freedom. How the Fascia relates to improving lymph flow, increasing detoxification, lifting our energy, and getting to the cause of where we are restricted in movement.


To calm or awaken the nervous system. Seeing how powerful our breath can really be when done alone but also paired with movement. Helping us become more equipped with our own tool kit to have confidence that we can handle all obstacles that come our way in life. Allowing the breath to bring trust into our own bodies, knowing ourselves and seeing how that ripples into our daily lives.

Cold Exposure,

Whether it be Ice baths, Cold showers or beach swims, to be calm within the chaos. To understand we can react differently and we always have a choice. Deepen our use of breath and observing how a highly stressful environment can now begin to feel easy to navigate. Feeling into how these changes in patterns relate to our lives. Realising how profound they really are.

We will write, we will share a space, we will connect and push past comfortable boundaries and self limiting beliefs.

Through thought provoking journalling prompts, poetry prompts, philosophies and ideas to create a spark and internal questioning of is there more? Being ok to look deep inside ourselves in a safe space with a community that wants to do the same. To story tell, share poems, words an insights, asking questions and knowing that you are free to be seen by others. Expressing ourselves fully, with no pressure, limit or expectations. To meet you as you are and say “me too”.

Deepening our tool kit to navigate life obstacles,

Deepening our love for life,

Deepening how well we know ourselves,


17 September

Deepen Motion Workshop w/ Oliver Zafiridis and Sophia Breust 5.0