each finger pointed...

Each finger pointed, is three pointed back at yourself.

This has been by far one of my favourite sayings that has really planted itself in my mind over the last 12 months. I believe it to truly catalyse growth, truth, vulnerability and honesty with ourselves and others. It automatically ignites compassion, the search for understanding, gratitude and trust without effort.

Uncomfortable maybe, confusing maybe, difficult maybe, worthwhile yes, empowering yes.

It is you at the steering wheel all the time, not anyone else.

It doesn’t mean you get walked all over, you can stand up.

It doesn’t mean you allow people to treat you poorly, speak up.

It doesn’t mean don’t speak the truth when needed,

It doesn’t mean “they get away with it”,

It doesn’t mean “they win, you lose”.

It is much more powerful than that. It goes far beyond this futile black and white battle.

The world works in mysterious ways, and so if we believe that everything in its imperfection is perfect and as it is meant to be, then we can’t pick and chose when we like to hear these words or when we believe in these words.

We can’t have something great happen, and say “ahhh yes, the world is perfect and it is meant to be.”

And then we have something bad happen, and say “this sucks, yeah everything else works out perfect but this has no good in it, it’s just wrong.”

If we observe the world and understand that all things are pointing us in the direction to where we can evolve, find more power and more freedom, we will have a lot ease and vitality in our body. If we can observe and understand how it is all allowing us to change our hypothesis and invite the lessons we need to learn, we can have less stress and breath deeper.

How beautiful does that sound?

Two quotes that I love from Peter Crone are:

“Life will present you the events in your life to show you where you are not free”


“Getting triggered is an opportunity to see where you’re still holding on to some limiting egoic narrative that hides your powerful inherent nature”

What I hope you can begin to understand from anything that I’ve said is that…

Still live, get out there and explore, feel all of your feelings, get upset, get sad, get angry, stand up for yourself, but then OBSERVE and USE these reactions for your own power, freedom and good.

USE these reactions to see what fear you’re still living in at a deeper level and allow that truth to alchemise into more freedom.

This is the story of the alchemist.

Turn what happens all the time, everyday, from everyone, into lessons and gold as you remember who you are at your core and who you want to become.

This is a practice that becomes a way of living and finding more peace with a capacity to understand pressure, chaos and obstacles that come our way, with an adaptability of our mind and emotions to navigate life with more embrace, with more love.

It’s a practice,

It takes time,

We come in and out of it,

It’s never pertfect,

We never “get there”,

But if we can embody these principles,

We will notice the subtle differences that we begin to enjoy.

They will show as more ease, more fun, more acceptance, more internal peace.

Now that’s a space I want to be in.

Love, Oliver x


practice meets philosophy.